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Those 4 Horsemen

This week all three plus one dudes are here. That is right we got Dave, Chris, Alec, and I here at the same time, so of course these days that may mean that our show might get explicit enough to be kicked off all mainstream podcast platforms. Remember to subscribe to our RSS feed and/or Odysee channel (the latter being immune to AWS censorship). This weeks episode got a little longer than anticipated, but we hope you enjoy it still. Our anonymous listener or troll question of the week was another question that we have answered in the past, but “What is your favorite YouTube channel?” Unfortunately we realized that only two of the four of us answered because we got so side tracked by Dave’s favorite channel, both Alec and I forgot to answer. Alec however assures you that he doesn’t really watch YouTube anymore, and really about the only thing I watch on there is whatever my velociraptor you often hear in the background is watching. Please remember you can submit your own random question about anything, and use a fake email if you want to stay anonymous.

This weeks actual topics start with me ranting about public schools and the fact that middle school kids writing skills are below 3rd grade skills from my days.

We talk briefly about the coup in Burma. In the news, we touch on New Mexico SB244. The Supreme Court is going to throw in their 2 cents on police violating 4th amendment and 2nd amendment rights. Kyle Rittenhouse violates bail by moving. Those are just a few that we talk about.

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