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Take Care Of You

This week Dave, John, and I come to you post election. Unfortunately that means we have to talk politics some. We start the episode though talking about the recent tragedy at an air show near Dallas, Texas. Getting into politics and the election, we talk about a deceased state representative that won re-election by a landslide in Pennsylvania along with their new senator. We talk about bitcoin and the FTX exchange, something I forgot to mention in the show is that the second rule to cryptocurrency; avoid institutions that are associated to the World Economic Forum.

World Economic Forum had this page listing the FTX Exchange as a partner until they removed it 11/13/2022.
Funny how WEF randomly removed this page today and had to use a archiver to find it now

Then we talk briefly about the student loan forgiveness plan. This week in Dave’s History Class, he talks about Armistice Day and World War 1. In John’s Down Under segment, John talks about the history of Canberra, the capital of Australia. In my segment I talk about not wasting time or energy on things that you can’t change or influence like elections, and focus on taking care of your family and you by doing actual stuff you control. All this and more in this weeks episode.

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