Those three dudes are four friends that have fun talking about stuff.

Luke had the crazy idea that became Those 3 Dudes. He comes with a mixed bag of history doing everything from farm work and warehouse logistics to web design and sales management. He loves hiking, shooting, and paintball. His drink of choice is various local beers and bourbon or almost any Guinness.

Dave is the babyface of the friends by being the youngest and probably the most ruthless. He enjoys long walks in the sand wearing only a smile and a sword belt. When he isn’t burning off copper jacketed freedom seeds, he’s comparing Toyotas to other vehicles or monitoring a pile of gravel. His drink of choice is hard, anything hard.

Alec was hatched from beneath the frozen surface of Hudson Bay in the land of maple syrup and ham disguised as bacon. Screen-printer by trade and gun-nut by birth, he knows his way around a precision rifle, but just barely knows which end of an AR the bullets come out of. #FuckTrudeau
The 4th Dude:

John is an Aussie who married an American lady and moved to the USA, currently living in New Mexico. Hobbies include guns, computers, 3D printing, cigars, and HAM radio. He does not mind a beer or 6.
Wait a 5th Dude?:

Sam is what you get when you manifest a religious cult like following for Stoner’s superior rifle. Sam is also a melted plastic connoisseur that one day will make a nice knick-knack, the next a creation fit for Malaysian battlefields.
“Special” Guest Host:

Chris owns a small soap and beard maintenance company on the side and works in a warehouse for fun. His turn-ons include glorious beards, accuracy by volume, and the smell of burnt cordite. His drink of choice is the margarita.