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Smart Tech Slave Tech

This week John and Luke the Dudes are your hosts. The guys had last week off, so they start out with some current events they missed for the previous week’s show including AI in robots and the US Supreme Court ruling on states banning Trump on ballots. In this week’s news, Sweden formally joins NATO and an American soldier wanted to be like Jason Bournes so he sold secrets to China.

For John Down Under this week, not so much a down under topic, but John is looking for a new concealed carry gun. Luke and him look into his choices between S&W CSX, Tisas PX-9, and then CZ-P10. On Luke’s Farm/Garden and Prepping segment, Luke talks about freedom technology and taking back your digital liberty. This week there is no specific Herb of the Week, but Luke suggests going out and trying to grow your own medicinal bushes from clippings.

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