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Month: November 2020
This week Dave, Chris, and Luke are tired of talking about dumpsterfire 2020 and the ‘Rona, so this week they talk about stuff that you can control in your life and is more likely to effect your life than arguing about politics. They talk about food independence and freedom for your health, from the government, and more.
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In this weeks episode Dave, Chris, and Luke add a new segment to the weekly routine, answer your anonymous question, talk SpaceX to the ISS, election junk from Michigan, and Trudeau, agenda 21/2030, the great reset and more.
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Dave, Chris, and Luke talk about Covid’s future, Michigan AG threatening journalists, faulty election software, EU against encryption and why it matters to you, Work At Home taxes, Leonid meteor shower, and more.
This week Dave, Chris, and Luke are joined by Tyler of to talk guns, election drama, preparing for uncertainty and #DaveDidntKillHimself. Oh and drugs winning the war on drugs in Oregon.
In this weeks video podcast, Dave, Alec, and Luke talk guns in Canada and in Michigan, Hunter Biden’s PornHub,, Greenwald’s resignation, higher educational collapse, and more.
In this weeks episode, Dave, Alec, and Luke talk guns in Canada and in Michigan, Hunter Biden’s PornHub,, Greenwald’s resignation, higher educational collapse, and more.